袁小群(1976-),博士,出版科学系副教授。太阳集团tcy8722博士后。主持或参与中国博士后科学基金、科技部973计划、科技支撑计划、自然科学基金等各类科研项目。在Future Generation Computer Systems、The Journal of Supercomputing、LEARNED PUBLISHING、《计算机学报》、《小型微型计算机系统》、7th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems、10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology等国内知名学术期刊和国际会议发表论文10多篇。
1. Xiaoqun Yuan,Geyong Min & Qing Fang etc.. Adaptive resource management for P2P live streaming systems. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2013.8 1573-1582
2. Xiaoqun Yuan, Hao Yin & Geyong Min etc.. A suitable server placement for peer-to-peer live streaming. The Journal of Supercomputing,2013.7 1092-1107
3. XU Jie & YUAN Xiaoqun. Online scholarly publishing in China: Who? What? How? .LEARNED PUBLISHING,2013.4 89-100
4. 尹浩,袁小群,林闯等.内容网络服务器部署理论综述.计算机学报,2010-09-15
5. 袁小群,喻莉,史佩昌.P2P实时流媒体系统服务器部署.小型微型计算机系统,2012-07-15
6. 袁小群,喻莉,史佩昌等.多频道实时多媒体P2P资源分配策略.小型微型计算机系统 2012-08-15
7. 袁小群,喻莉和史佩昌等.多媒体服务中间一公里资源优化.小型微型计算机系统 2012-06-15
8. 袁小群,刘钧彬,纪曼.P2P服务器部署问题研究.计算机应用研究,2011-01-15
9. 刘然,肖来东,袁小群等.CGC:一种移动多媒体延迟优化分发策略.小型微型计算机系统 2012-12-15
10. Xiaoqun Yuan,Hao Yin & Xuening Liu etc..Dynamic resource provision in multi-channel P2P live streaming systems.7th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS-2010, p 1849-1855, 2010
11. Xiaoqun Yuan,Hao Yin & Xuening Liu etc..Server placement for peer-to-peer live streaming systems. Proceedings - 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, CIT-2010, p 349-355, 2010
12. Peichang Shi,Huaiming Wang & Xiaoqun Yuan etc..ACON: Adaptive construction of the overlay network in CDN-P2P VoD system.2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN 2011, p 182-187, 2011
1. [主持] “中国博士后基金”项目,弹性数字内容分发系统动态资源调度策略研究,2012.10-2013.9
2. [参与] 科技部“科技支撑计划”项目,动态数字出版关键技术及标准规范研究,2012.1-2015.12
3. [参与] 文化部“中国文化产业专项资金项目”,数字出版跨学科创新研究平台,2011.10-2014.6